Opportunity Passport™
Financial Training, Coaching, and $3,000 Matched Savings for Young People who Experienced Foster Care!
What is Opportunity Passport™?
Opportunity Passport™ is a Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative program at the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the gold standard of financial management programs for young adults who have experienced foster care. In 2020, Voices teamed up with Ready for Life, a skill-based learning center for young adults transitioning out of foster care, to proudly be the first independent site authorized to deliver the program. With Opportunity Passport™ young adults ages 17-29 in Pinellas, Pasco and Hillsborough Counties who have spent at least one day in foster care receive financial literacy training, financial coaching and a savings match up to $3,000 to purchase an asset like a car.
OP graduates!
Over $262,000
In Assets Purchased
by OP graduates!
Participants learn how to earn money, budget, save, pay off debt, and more in this 5-class online course designed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation specifically for young adults who have experienced foster care. Every young adult receives individual support during the course to answer questions, encourage and assist with real-life applications like setting SMART goals, creating a budget, and looking up credit reports. After completing the course, participants receive a $100 stipend to jumpstart their savings!

United Way Suncoast Financial Coaching
After graduating from financial literacy training, participants connect monthly with a volunteer who has financial experience and is trained in coaching by United Way Suncoast. This individualized support has had a huge impact on our Opportunity Passport™ graduates as they use what they’ve learned in financial literacy training to successfully reach their financial goals.
Thanks to the support of United Way Suncoast, graduates of the program can match dollar for dollar up to $3,000 to purchase qualifying assets that will promote their financial capability. By purchasing cars, putting down payments on housing, building credit, and investing in small businesses, our graduates have become more independent, stable, and financially capable.
More Opportunities for OP Grads!

College & Career Coaching
Voices is partnering with Cetera to provide one-on-one holistic support in all areas of life with a central focus on college and career success. In this mutual learning relationship in which the young adult is considered the expert, the participant and coach work together to set goals, navigate challenges, and celebrate achievements.

Buying a Car Class
Opportunity Passport graduates can avoid the pitfalls of buying a new or used vehicle with this one-night, online class that covers budgeting, financing, talking to a dealer, examining a used car and more. By applying what they’ve learned, participants earn an additional $500 match to purchase a car.

Renting an Apartment
This one-night online course covers budgeting, rental scams, housing discrimination, leases, tenant/landlord responsibilities and more. Participants are eligible for an additional match of $1,000 to help pay for the security deposit and first month’s rent on a new apartment.
Interested in joining Opportunity Passport as a young adult, financial coach or other supporter? Do you have questions about the program? Let us know!
OP Graduate Resource Bank
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